What is IoPT?

Trauma therapy in a safe and gentle way

I highly recommend Marta's IoPT course to everyone.
- Dr. Gabor Maté -

What is trauma therapy IoPT?

Prof Dr Franz Ruppert and IoPT

Key questions to find answers to within IoPT - Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Theory are:
Who am I...What do I want...Who am I with you, with the family, colleagues... and
what controls my will?

About IoPT

The IoPT is based on complex theories and practices, developed in an international collaboration of therapists led by
Professor Dr. Franz Ruppert over the past 30 years, and documented in his books. Seven of these are available at
and can be ordered in our online bookstore at iopt.no.

Client responses to the intention method as a form of therapy

Here are some answers from clients on why they wanted to use Selfencounters with the Intention Method as a form of therapy:

  • I wasn't getting anywhere with conventional therapy methods. I had reached a point that I couldn't get past. With this
    method, I managed it anyway.
  • The selfencounter method formulates my problem in a precise way without me having to put into words things I can't
    put into words because I don't know enough. It gives me the feeling of having made a step forward.
  • First and foremost, it is a method that helps me on a personal level. The more I have used this
    method, the more it has become the most effective method I know of for dealing with trauma.

About IoPT theory and trauma

IoPT is based on established trauma theories and includes both self-experienced and generationally transmitted trauma. The theory
is further enriched with Ruppert's own research through therapeutic processes with women and men, in one-to-one and
group settings. This has resulted in the intention method IoPT, a practical method used in IoPT therapy.

IoPT theory can be used in various contexts such as guidance, school, politics, child protection, etc. When you are IoPT-informed,
it is up to each individual how the competence is used, within current laws and regulations. At the Institute, we offer
both basic courses in IoPT and advanced training up to therapist, for those who want it.

What is a trauma?

Experiencing excessively difficult situations and events can split away the awareness of what has happened. This memory
is kept away from consciousness and what we call survival structures (often called
coping or protective strategies) are formed. These processes are automatic, like other processes in the human
organism, and are not volitional.

We remember trauma less with words and more with our emotions and in our bodies. The body reacts through fight, flight,
freeze or submission, and a splitting off of part of the healthy ego structure can occur. This can lead to
an unconscious identification with others.

In IoPT therapy with the intention method, we work step by step to strengthen the healthy self, so that the emergency mechanisms
and survival strategies put in place through the traumatization can become less controlling. The goal is to release
energy used to keep the trauma memories at bay, and allow self-will to take over.

The purpose of therapy

Healing comes from the word wholeness. Why is it that people are not whole?
Because life experiences have made us lose contact with, or suppress, our own will and our Self.

In traumatic events, the Self is split from the I - Dr. Gabor Maté

Most of us therefore live lives that are largely unconscious, and we don't really know what really drives us.
If we become conscious, we can make decisions that are not driven by dynamics that we are not even aware of.
Through IoPT, we get the opportunity to become conscious - and reconnect with our healthy will and our healthy self.

Welcome to Information evening , therapy - Weekend course and education!