IoPT Norway

Institute for Trauma Work

About us

We offer trauma therapy and training in Franz Ruppert's proprietary theory and method - Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Theory and Therapy - IoPT.

The Department of Trauma Work offers selfencounters on Weekend course , education within IoPT nationally and internationally; and also arranges small and large seminars. Feel free to come to our information evenings.

Our seminars are for anyone who wants self-development and personal growth, and for therapists and others who work professionally with people. The education leads to the title Trauma Therapist IoPT.

All our teachers are experienced, approved supervisors and trauma therapists IoPT with higher education in subjects relevant to IoPT, with deep knowledge of Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert's theories and methods. We work according to guidelines from NTF(Norwegian Trauma Therapist Association).

Contact information


Phone: +47 916 67 211

Monday - Friday 08.00 - 18.00

Course rooms

Cashier Schafts Plass 1
0267 Oslo

Opposite Solheimgata 1.

Our teachers