Background information
Marta has held courses and seminars nationally and internationally, including in Asia, the USA, Canada and Australia, and works closely with profiles such as Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert, Dr. Gabor Maté and Stephen Gyllenhaal. She is a co-author in Dr. Ruppert's books and responsible for professional editing of the Norwegian edition of his works. In addition, she has been responsible for the Norwegian translation of the award-winning documentary In Utero .
- Trauma therapist, supervisor and teacher IoPT (DGfS/MNTf)
- MBA in change management, many years as a leader in business and professional organisations
- Studied several areas of psychotherapy in Norway and the USA
- Founded and built up Institute for Trauma Work - IoPT Norway
- Founded the Norwegian Trauma Therapist Association
- 25 years of practice as a psychotherapist and trauma therapist
- Holds courses and education within IoPT nationally and internationally
- Held IoPT seminars in Asia, the USA, Canada and Australia
- Co-author of Dr Ruppert's books "Childhood trauma" and "Min kropp, mitt traume, mitt je", has been responsible for the subject editing of all his 7 books into Norwegian and wrote the forewords
- Stands for the Norwegian translation of the award-winning documentary In Utero
- Collaborates closely with Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert, Dr. Gabor Maté and Stephen Gyllenhaal