self-encounterss and the intention method
kr 399,00
In this book, selfencounters are systematically presented as a method using intentions, and the selfencounters are scientifically investigated. The book provides an insight into the many possibilities that lie in working with IoPT.
Identity oriented psychotrauma theory (IoPT)
"I don't put my self on the shelf anymore!" Katrin said in her humorous way during a seminar. She set the record straight. If you give up, neglect or suppress your own self, i.e. yourself, you won't have a good life. Then you wear yourself out and struggle to get love and recognition from people who can't give it. You survive with your eyes constantly on the outside, instead of living your own life on your own terms.
With selfencounters based on Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IoPT), we can immediately see if we are present with ourselves, or if we are losing ourselves in meaningless external battles and getting entangled in unhealthy relationships. Selfencounters can help us find our way out of the fear mode and back to a mode where we love ourselves.